For Everything is a Season: A time to love, a time for Football…

Standing in my kitchen scrolling the Twitter this AM with a coffee and a J and I came across an idea so profound that it borders genius.  In response to one of his concerned twitter followers who I’m sure was genuinely looking out his well-being and not being snarky, sarcastic, or mocking in any way, Barstool Big Cat proposes an idea that could revolutionize the beloved football season. 

First of all, what a professional response this is.  Instead of taking this personally, its almost as if Big Cat looked within and said, “Maybe I do need a bye week.  Then again maybe everyone needs a bye week.  Perhaps every football fan struggles as I do during the football season.”  Big Cat always looking out for everyone is one of his best qualities. 

Second though is the fact that this is a really good idea.  Here are the top 5 reasons why:

  1. Take a family trip one fall weekend must be number 1.  Fall is a beautiful time of year to sneak up a mountain, pitch a tent, and eat hot dogs that were cooked over an open bonfire.  Eat some delicious s’mores for dessert and stare at the fire until its time to sleep.  Every family deserves to experience this once a year, and this “nationwide bye week” will solve the problem of choosing quality time with family or watching football.
  2. Weddings.  Now, I personally believe that just like there is a season to hunt wild game and a season to watch football, there is also a season to have a wedding.  Wedding season should begin after the Masters and end Labor Day Weekend.  Post Labor Day is time to focus on other very important seasons.

 For everything there is a season, and a time for every [a]purpose under heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted; a time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; a time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing; a time to seek, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away; a time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak; a time to love, and a time to hate; a time for war, and a time for peace.” Ecclesiastes 3:1-8. 

A “nationwide bye week” will allow for a weekend wedding to happen without having to choose between being a good friend and a fan of football.

3. Fair bye weeks for all teams.  I think its unfair that one NFL team gets a bye week in week 6 and one in week 14.  I can argue the benefits of it both ways, but if there was a “nationwide bye week,” it would be fair play and no argument would be needed.  Also, goodbye to Thursday night football.  Let the players rest and prepare fully for each game. 

4. More eyeballs and action on the World Series and the NBA opening week.  I mean why is there not a World Series game tonight or even tomorrow night?  Tuesday and Wednesday are a perfect night to watch between the football action.  With a “Nationwide bye week” that coincides with the World Series and NBA opening week, it may lead some fans to appreciate other sports and even be bored enough to wager on it.  

5. Allow time to calibrate.  This one may be the most important.  The football weekend can consume a lions share of time and energy.  The amount names, games, point spreads, weather reports, injury updates, and any other football news spread amongst College and the Pro game occupy so much brain space that it can be difficult to evaluate oneself.  Take time to relax and listen to Howard Shore’s “The Breaking of the Fellowship” which is what I’ve been listening to while typing this.  With a “nationwide bye week,” we would have a built-in time to breathe, think, reflect, or love without the worry of missing any of the frenzy that is football season.

The challenge for today is to solve a problem by thinking of others first, just as Big Cat did in his tweet response, and to also remember that “For everything there is a season.”  This means even during football season we should make time and be accommodating to other “seasons” that may interfere because to someone you care about that “season” may be their favorite time of year as well.  Further, what’s better than spending time with someone you love and doing something with them that they truly love?  We may love football, but football rarely loves you back.  Until this “nationwide bye week” begins, let’s love those around us while taking in as much football action as possible….BUT the bye week thing, Yeah, let’s make that happen.

Wager for fun, not to retire.