Swarming Wolverines

The last night of August in Ann Arbor Michigan, and my thoughts as the game rolls on.

Fresno St at Michigan

7:30 EST NBC

5:09 PM. Just finished the Miami at Florida beat down. The Canes look strong. Hoping Fresno st can compete for a bit against the far superior Wolverines. New head coach in Ann Arbor is Sherrone Moore. I don’t know much about him, but I’m sure I will learn once the broadcast begins. Tim Skipper coaches the visiting Bulldogs.

Just walked back inside from taking a break in the courtyard. 5:36Pm here and the game has kicked.

Senior QB of Fresno, Keene leads his team onto the field wearing white jerseys and pants along with red helmets. 3rd play in.. Interception. Michigan in their classic Maze and Blue takeover.

I read about Sherrone Moore briefly while taking a few tokes from my pipe, and turns out he’s a young man like me. He’s been on the Michigan staff for several years including serving as acting head coach at some points. More experience than his age suggests. Good luck coach!

Potentially targeting. Reviewing a helmet to helmet hit. Fresno player Jaden Davis has been ejected. Correct call in 2024. Michigan TD shortly after. 7-0.

As a guy that has received those type of hits, I’m ok with that being a penalty. I don’t like the ejection though. Jesus! Modify the targeting rule already. Let the kids play. If they get a second targeting in one game or more than three in a six game span, toss the player or eject. Ejection for a simple helmet to helmet bump is weak. 3 minutes into the game. Especially when the offensive player lowered his helmet into the defenders. It wasn’t malicious. Jaden Davis is just the latest to be the victim of a poor rule. Again, throw the 15 yard flag and move on…Let the kids play! Takes big slug from a freshly cracked open Pacifico can.

Let’s settle down here. It’s a long game, but that is how I feel about targeting in general. Fresno has the ball at midfield 9:15 on the Big House clock and Michigan swarms and sacks the helpless Fresno QB for a loss of 9. Punt. Wolverine Ball. Commercial.

The Big House is a vibrating mass of Maze and Blue. Energy as it should be for an Ann Arbor evening.

Wolverines with a few productive plays but now punting from their own 40. Fair catch. 7-0 5:07 left in the quarter. Slow start to the game. Michigan defense looks like they could score this game and #20 in the Wolverine backfield is going to break one at some point. Predictions sure to go wrong are my favorite.

Wink Martendale is calling the defense for the Wolverines. Hello! That’s a name we all know. He’s done this work at the highest level for years, most recently with the Giants. What an asset for the Moore led Wolverines. And Sack! His defense on cue delivers.

Michigan QB with an underthrown ball and picked off!! Fresno gets the ball back. Danger lurking with this Wolverine defense. Fresno at midfield.

Defense forces a Fresno punt. Michigan will try to do better as they take over on the 12. Pink/ purple sky glowing beyond the Big House stadium lights. Looks like a perfect labor day weekend evening in Michigan. It was Labor Day in Michigan, I bought some smokes and a fifth of gin, and I drove out to the county fair…or however that Tim McGraw tune goes. Great, another commercial. Dog is passed out on her bed in front of the stone fireplace mantle.

Start of the second quarter. 7-0 Michigan. Wolverines punt from their own 22 after being stonewalled on a 3rd and 1 play up the gut. Impressive from the BULLDOGS D line! Fresno ball from the 39, and first play carries them across the 50, but then stalling and punting it into the Blue endzone. Michigan ball from the 25 after the commercial. *Need more Pacifico.

Fantasy draft is Monday night. No freaking clue what I’m doing this year. Last year, I knew two weeks before the draft that I wanted Tyreke Hill, and he was even more outstanding than I imagined. I would take him again, but logic says, he won’t have a season like last season back to back. I mean, he’s super human, so it’s possible but I don’t know. Guess it depends on where I’m picking. Game is back. Michigan from the 20.

Three and out and the Fresno D line is Hungry tonight! Right through the middle sacking them for a loss. 4th and 20 punt from Michigan was poor with a good return from Fresno but a holding penalty pulls it way back. Fresno with the ball in their own territory after another commercial. Can we get some better commercials? Those late 90’s early 2000’s Beer commercials were always belly busting, and what else? I don’t know. Any of them back then seemed fun. Now they are mostly about medicine and politics. Buzz kill. Doritos commercials, some of those were great! Game is back.

What a catch! #18 for Fresno looking like Justin Jefferson when he was at LSU…announcers just compared him to Fresno st alum Davante Adams. High Praise! #18 Dog. Both Michigan starting cornerbacks are on the sideline right now and #18 is exploiting that.

Fresno had a 1 on 1 on the outside in the end zone and with a better throw, that was a TD. FG attempt is…GOOD! 7-3 Michigan 7:35 2nd quarter. Fresno is showing fight on both sides of the ball. Let’s see what Michigan can do against this hungry Bulldog D Line. What about #20 in the Michigan backfield? He’s still going to break one at some point. I don’t know. Let’s watch some football.

Michigan at the 26 to begin the drive. Someone, somewhere says the Wolverines are “9th” in the country. What does that say about Fresno? So far, they are toe to toe. Michigan out to about the 40.

#20, Mullings, almost sprung one but was dragged down after six yards. And another six yards. He’s angry running. Mullings. I’m going to remember his name. And another six yards. Three plays in a row. Blocking has been outstanding. 15 yard play action pass complete. Michigan cruising. At the 38 yard line. Timeout Michigan. 3:25 left. Good game so far.

I see sprinkles of red mixed into the mass of Maze and Blue. A few Fresno fans made the trip. Qb for Michigan is Warren. I think they have switched qb’s a couple times. I don’t know. #16 Warren is in the game now. Commercial for the new buzz killing two minute warning.

Notre Dame is trailing Texas A & M 6-3 mid 2nd quarter. Might bounce over there later. There haven’t been any surprises today. Every team that should’ve won has, so far.

FG Good for Michigan. 31 seconds left in the half 10-3. Take a knee Fresno and get to the half.

Fresno closed the half with an eight yard run and let the clock run to zero. 10-3 at half.

*After a slice of pizza So, If I’m Tim Skipper at Fresno, I’m thrilled to be on the road at the Big House and within one score at half. The Bulldog defense played organized and executed some timely blitzes. The Offense on both sides need to improve. Mullings, #20 in the Michigan backfield and #18 Wr for Fresno were the most impressive for their teams offensively. Here’s the kick. Fresno kicks left to Michigan.

Three minutes into the half and Michigan is on the move. Into Fresno territory at the 38 right now. Warren in the gun, Mullings on the bench. Put him in coach! Edwards #7, the other talented running back is getting the lions share of hand offs this drive. Looks equally explosive. Untimely holding pulls back a 12 yard Edwards run. Left tackle grabbed the jersey and pulled. Clear hold. 3rd and 17 for the home team. 43 yard line. Mullings ran it to the 35. 4th down. FG attempt from 53 yards…dead center from the Arkansas st transfer. What a bomb. Had another 8- 10 yards in that kick at least. 13-3 Michigan 9:21 3rd quarter.

Fresno with a quick first down out to their 36 yard line. Their best way of attack has been the out patterns to the sidlines and double moves for #18, Moss. The running game can not break through the titanic wolverine defensive line. Keep throwing Keene. Look for #18! Stumped. Wolverine Defense is ferocious.

Punt to the Michigan 9. 5 minutes to go in the 3rd 13-3 Home team. Commercial. This one made me chuckle. Something with Jason Kelce and the buffalo from Buffalo Wild wings talking at a bar. Simple. Relevant. Effective. Another slice of thin crust.

Another Qb for Michigan, #10 Orji (name on the back of his jersey) that’s the guy from earlier. #10 and #16. Or Ji or Warren. Its Warren now. The ole two QB system. Brent Schaeffer and Erik Ainge tried that in Knoxville back in the early 2000’s. It can work, but in late game situations, you really want to know who your main guy is. Neither Michigan QB have moved consistently against the inspired Fresno st defense. They came to play. Still down two scores though. Big House clock is ticking. Fresno st forcing a punt that is fair caught at the 16.

Notre Dame/A & M is 6-6 in the 3rd. Still haven’t clicked over to that one.

Three and out from Fresno. Offense showing zero creativity. Michigan D is everywhere. A minute to go in the 3rd.

Michigan can bury this game with 7 points here. Bulldog defensive front still scrapping but clearly wearing down late in this game as the clock trickles down to 14 to go. Orji in at QB. Ball on the Fresno 40. Michigan stalled but attempting another fg. This one from 55. And he nailed it. From 45, 52, and 55 tonight. Kicker is MVP of this game! Hell, sign him to the Titans this year. This kid is going to be a weapon for the Wolverines. 16-3. 8:04PM MST. Yawn.

Fresno offensive player suffering a cramp sends us to commercial…Man What a kick. I mean those were dead center cut confident field goals. Dominic Zvada is his name. No clue how to pronounce it, but what an iron leg he has. 11:49 to go. Fresno with the ball.

Fresno offense with their best three plays in a row. Tippy toe catch by Acevedo on the sideline being the latest one upheld after review. Fresno ball on the Michigan 19.

Fresno Touchdown! #11 catches the throw on the hitch to the left and pivots inside to scamper into the endzone. No safety over the top for Michigan there. Put us in coach! SingleHighSports for a reason.

16-10 Michigan. 10:00 to go. This is a game. Come on Fresno defense. Make some noise here. Michigan from the 25.

Notre Dame TD! 13-6 Irish. Late night drama on a Saturday night!

Mullings!! Bumbling, stumbling, dragging, player after player for twenty yards. 71 on the night. He’s running so hard! And again!! Mullings runs sweep to the left for another 14. He’s a closer. Edwards is good to. Mullings runs like his life depends on it. Fresno DB’s don’t want to take his punishment anymore. And… Boom, TD 18 yard Td pass from Warren. Set up by the run game, the play action put the tight end one on one with the line backer and simple TD. 23-10 Michigan 5:43 left. Big House still full. Commercial.

Miami looked legit earlier today. Just resaying it for the 10th time today.

Fresno from the 25 throws a pick straight to #7 in the secondary. Flags down. Discussion. I didn’t see anything. Throw sailed over the crossing receiver and straight into the hands of the safety. After long discussion…they called a roughing the passer penalty. It was bullsh—no. No. I’m not going to go off. That was a weak call. Pathetic. Roughing the passer negates a great Michigan pick. Pathetic. After such a long discussion to. Weird. This sport is weird. I like to see fair officiating that makes logical sense. Something was weird there. Michigan falling apart. Another 15 yard penalty. Fresno at the 20!

Big throw caught on the sideline by #17. At the 10.

Picked off!!!! Wolverine defense does it again, but this time takes it to the house! 90 yards! #2 Will Johnson for Michigan jumped the screen pass and intercepted the ball in full stride. 86 yards officially. Michigan defense scores! 30-10 Michigan 3:57 left. “Hammer, nail, coffin. This baby is over.” If you can hear the voice of Pete Pranica, long time Memphis Grizzlies broadcaster.

Michigan look to have some things to work out offensively, but they didn’t make any catastrophic mistakes. Their defense looks elite. Mullings at running back is a closer. Fresno St came to play. They fought and competed against an upper class opponent. They didn’t back down. Kudos to them for playing a hard game. That defensive line looks strong. Just waiting for the final whistle at this point. Fresno with the ball 1:52 to go.

Full time. 30-10 Michigan. I had fun, hope you did to. Congratulations to Coach Sherrone Moore.

Find the humor and keep on movin’

Whit W.