Week 12 College Football Picks: look for the good

Standing in my kitchen with a coffee and a J…

Volunteers raking a local park pc: TheHappyVolunteer.com

Reflecting on this past college football week that was and it’s difficult not be a little disappointed in going 2-4 when there are so few College Football Saturdays left.  Oh well, no sense in crying over spilt milk or shitty football picks, it’s a beautiful sunny 35 degree day here in the mountains and crying is just a waste of time. Just about every leaf is off my trees so we’ve got a little work to do before Saturday Football.

Two, count them, TWO College football Saturdays left this season and it couldn’t be going by faster.  Thanksgiving is single digit days away, which means next weeks football slate will be a lot of fun.  Basically, next week we get a College Football Friday and Saturday so plan accordingly.  When I think about a dream black Friday, I think back to being a young teenager. 

I’d wake up around 4am and donning my long johns and boots, I’d trudge down to the barn where I kept my hunting gear.  You see, I couldn’t have my gear smelling like humans for fear that the elusive whitetail wouldn’t come see me that morning.  I’d throw on my Rocky 4 in 1 Parka, hop on the 4wheeler, and head back to my favorite deer stand for the morning. 

Not my picture but a similar view to my old spot

After enjoying the morning sunshine, cold air, and whatever wildlife came by the tree stand for a few hours, I’d head back to the house to get started on my Saturday chores.  There wasn’t any Black Friday football on TV back in those days, so all of those great rivalry matchups were on one day, and I didn’t like missing any football.  So getting all of my Saturday chores done on Friday meant that after my Saturday morning hunt, I could sit in front of the old box tv, tune those bunny ears for as clear of a picture as possible, and settle in for a college football Saturday.  So yeah, my dream Black Friday is to hunt and do chores, so that I can enjoy the football on Saturday.  Not very glamorous I know, but I’m a simple man to the truest form.  Of course now we have a split slate and black Friday has several must see games this year, so no chores this time, but let me tell you that I still actively use that 4 in 1 parka to this day. Rocky makes durable stuff if you take care of it. #freead

Back to this week.  Lets go back to well and fade Notre Dame.  I am 5-1 when betting a game that Notre Dame is playing, and I don’t see the Irish beating this gritty Boston College team by 21. 

Let’s also back that hard nosed Mark Stoops and believe he will have his boys fighting in this game.  This isn’t a fade Georgia pick because Georgia has some of my favorite players to watch, but more that I think Kentucky will play above themselves and compete for most of this game and have a chance. 

 Stay up late with Oregon and Utah and bet that over 60.  No clue who wins this game but just be glad you had the over win this game ends 37-35. 

This Western Kentucky team will attempt to shorten the game and Auburn will run the ball with ease and keep that clock moving for us.  They also will have their eyes on vulnerable Alabama next week.  Final 34-10 Tigers…guess that means I love Auburn and the under.

Lets all find a way to be kind to a neighbor this weekend.  Volunteer to help rake leaves. Each one reach one mentality.  Better yet, be kind to someone that you dislike. That person probably needs love the most. “Those who look for the bad in people will surely find it.” – Abe Lincoln.  If we look for the good in people, we will surely find it.  So look for the good and be the good that you are looking for in the world. 

  •  Boston College +21 ½ (-130)
  •  Kentucky +22 ½
  •  Utah/ Oregon over 60 ½
  •  Auburn/ Western Kentucky under 52 ½
  •  Auburn -5 ½

Remember: Wager for fun, Not to retire.
